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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander HORSCH的一封信

来源: 日期 2013-04-16 21:30 点击:

Dear colleagues,
So far, we have 5 contributors from German side joining our BME meeting in Hainan. In the attachment you find the Call for Papers in the final version, in German language.
Let me kindly ask you to check whether you want to join this meeting and contribute with a presentation of your work! Abstracts are welcome, best before END OF JUNE.
As to the Chinese contributions: WHO IS COORDINATING / SUPPORTING THESE FROM CHINESE SIDE? I need a little help to make a good program together with the Chinese colleagues. Please send also the abstracts from the Chinese participants to me, so that I can put them on the DCGM website www.dcgm.de! THANKS A LOT!
I am looking forward to meet your contributions and hope to meet you in Hainan!
With sunny greetings from spring-like Munich
Alexander Horsch
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander HORSCH, Ph.D., M.D.
General Secretary of the DCGM
Dept. of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology
Munich University of Technology
Ismaninger Str. 22, D-81675 Munich, GERMANY


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