答辩人: 梁晓轩
导师: 张镇西教授
专 业: 生物物理学
学 号: 4106083003
答辩时间: 2019年11月12日(周二)下午2:30 – 4:30
地点: 生命学院301会议室(教学2楼北301会议室)
答辩委员会: 卢虹冰教授(主席),李辉教授,刘小龙教授,朱京平教授,陈斌教授,雷铭教授,朱键教授
答辩秘书: 王斯佳

Liang XX, Zhang Z, Vogel A. Multi-rate-equation modeling of the energy spectrum of laser-induced conduction band electrons in water[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27 (4). (选为“Editor’s Pick”; SCI: 000459152800086; IF: 3.561; “最有学术影响力的国际期刊”)
Linz N, Freidank S, Liang XX, Vogel A. Wavelength dependence of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in water and implications for laser surgery[J]. Physical Review B, 2016, 94 (2). (SCI: 000380097800002; IF: 3.736; “最有学术影响力的国际期刊”)
Linz N, Freidank S, Liang XX, Vogelmann H, Trickl T, Vogel A. Wavelength dependence of nanosecond infrared laser-induced breakdown in water: Evidence for multiphoton initiation via an intermediate state[J]. Physical Review B, 2015, 91 (13). (SCI: 000353635500001; IF: 3.736; “最有学术影响力的国际期刊”)
Liang, Zhang Z, Vogel A. Simulations of the energy spectrum of conduction band electrons for a better understanding of free-electron-mediated modifications of biomolecules, and fs laser materials processing [C]. International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-20, 2019. (特邀报告)
Liang XX, Freidank S, Linz N, Paltauf G, Zhang Z, and Vogel A. Unified model of plasma formation, bubble generation and shock wave emission in water for fs to ns laser pulses [C]. International High Power Laser Ablation Symposium, Santa Fe, U.S., March 26-29, 2018. (特邀报告).